Beat burnout & build dreams that set you & your family free.

Where matrix-breaking mama's learn how to burn bright instead of out.

About Us

Welcome Matrix Breaking Moms & Dads! 

In The Burn Bright Society we are creating an otherworldly dream building experience (seriously, we don't just talk about building better businesses and ClickUp, we talk about God, aliens, project management systems, nervous systems, breaking out of systems, BRAINS, pretty pens, skin care, raw milk sources, how time isn't real and everything in between 😍) and we want you to feel the support, confidence, fun, and warmth that comes from surrendering building your callings alone to surrounding yourself with other visionary parents like you who are actively transforming from dreamer, to dream believer, to dream doer without selling their souls to the hustle and "fall in line" culture we are inundated these days. 


We want it for ourselves and we want it for you:

A spectacular world full of people who have chosen faith over fear
& unleashed their unique gifts so they can live the length                                                             AND the WIDTH of their life as God intended. 

This society is a taste of that world, a niched down section of the society, Mamas. Because mama's ripple out and nurture the world to become what it is. This is a multi-faceted connection and education experience that helps ambitious mama's align their soul & their strategy produce things that create freedom instead of more exhaustion and chains. 

If you were raised in a Christian household you know that profit is about much more than money, profit from true productivity is PRODUCE. Literally, the FRUITS, of the spirit:


In the Burn Bright Society we put you in proximity to the truth that not only does your life & your God given dreams matter, but your dreams were given to you for a reason and you have everything you need to bring them to life so that you may share fruit with others. 

Many people believe productivity to be a selfish pursuit, but INTENTIONAL productivity allows you to steward your time well so you can have more capacity to love and serve others.

"We breathe, we pulse, we regenerate. our hearts beat, our minds create, our souls ingest. Thirty-seven seconds well used is a lifetime.”-Mr.Magorium

Know you're ready to join? Scroll to the bottom for our current enrollments!

So what exactly is this place?

A supportive community with productivity training & coaching focused on both personal & business growth made specifically for liberty minded mamas & women who not only believe in the magnificence of something bigger than themselves (ie. God) but that they are called do to do something MARVELOUS with their time by a God that leads people to wonder-full lives for not just themselves, but others. 

We believe productivity is not a dirty word and the evil forces in this world are making us spin our wheels in "busy" and "overwhelm" to keep us from shining our light and setting other people free too. Stressed people are easy to control and we believe mama's who are thriving ripple out healing through the world.

What things might you learn here?

  • How to set goals and prioritize
  • How to use technology & tools like ClickUp to expand your capacity and accelerate progress.
  • How to release fears and take action
  • How to rest and have fun again
  • How to create rhythms and routines your entire family gets on board with
  • How to manage the limiting beliefs in your mind
  • Delegation
  • How to stop procrastinating
  • Health and wellness strategies
  • Time Expansion
  • Money mindset and wealth management tools
  • How to bring ideas to life
  • How to show up on the internet easily and in a fun way
  • How to stop hurrying
  • How to sell and influence well

Is this growth party right for you?

You are a mama but you are a human first! If you just read this and heard a tiny choir in your mind singing "Amen, preach!", the Burn Bright Society is for you!

We know firsthand how lonely being a dreamer can be, add on parenthood and phew, it's a heavy weight . You're listening to podcasts, reading books, trying to figure out the right questions to ask, and just generally trying to fill the roles of 10 people to take your vision from dream to reality and trying to still sleep and be a good mom, wife, at the same time. It's exhausting.

This community is here to allow you to connect daily with other like-minded mamas looking to do the daily work necessary to truly GROW into the full versions of themselves and use their God gifted light to create lasting impact on people and the world around them. 

Are you worried about burning out while trying to contribute financially to your family and freaking stoked to learn how to burn bright doing it instead? 

You Belong Here.

Have you wanted to truly talk to someone and know that they GET IT. Like truly get it? Looking for a sounding board for your ideas with people who see the world like you do and then see how other people view it too so you can communicate clearly?  

You Belong Here.

Do you want to have a happy place to geek out on planning and productivity, tin foil topics, your faith, homemaker life, wellness, building a business, motherhood & fatherhood & your personal growth journey with other people who really want to and won't roll their eyes? 

You belong here.

Your life and work are all YOUR LIFE. You're ready to show up for yourself & for others as your truly are to watch your world transform and your heart glow even when you're going through IT. Dream chasers, I know you know what IT is. 

You belong here.

Do you believe in a creator bigger than yourself but instead you have been trying to do everything alone when you know we're called to be in community and its been draining your soul out?

You belong here.

Are you tired of the same stereotype-based, self-help, and entrepreneur productivity hustle education being pushed on Instagram and want to learn real skills that you can take action TODAY?

You belong here.

We are so excited to connect with you to help you start unleashing your light with a support system of rad matrixbreakers just like you!